What is a recipephany?
More than just a recipe, a recipephany is a flash of cooking insight.
And what can recipephanies reveal?
Some recipephanies are time machines. We inhale the aromas and thrill to the flavors of dishes that shaped our lives—and the lives of those who cooked before us. These come seasoned with good stories, legends or bits of lore. They are living proof of how food connects across generations and homelands.
A recipephany may also delight because it’s simply the best in its class. We adopt it as our go-to recipe, mess with it to make it our own, and share it with pleasure.
Secret ingredients and clever techniques also count as recipephanies. These thunderbolts of revelation can change our cooking forever.
Here we offer you recipephanies and stories that have touched lives. Some come from generous family members, friends and guest contributors. We pass them along in the hopes that they strike a chord with you. And when they do, please feel free to make them your own.
And, because we want you to enjoy your visit with us, we won’t subject you to ads or mess with your data. Recipephany remains happily unmonetized.
About Diane Brody
Diane Brody launched Recipephany in 2010 with an epiphany involving Black Magic Cake. She seeks out recipes that visitors will enjoy making and backstories they will enjoy reading.
As a baking hobbyist, longtime home cook and writer, she mixes her interests to create Recipephany. And she founded Recipephany Test Kitchens to ensure recipes perform as promised.
Diane’s culinary achievements include finalist in a Weetabix baking contest and grand prize winner in the Ken’s Steak House Salad Dressing contest. She is a lifetime amateur member of the American Pie Council.
Be a guest contributor
Please send us your recipephanies, especially those hand-me-down family treasures. We would like either to post them under your name as a guest contributor, or give you attribution as our source. We can’t wait to hear from you.